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Priscila Slobodticov Saffiotte

Editorial Director and Strategic Communication

Priscila Slobodticov Saffiotte is a journalist and her greatest dream and achievement is to continue serving the Kingdom of God with her gifts and talents. With experience in a variety of media, she has worked in the area of ​​communication with radio, television, and in print and digital formats. Priscila also has a degree in Theology, with an emphasis on Missions and Christian Education. For over 10 years, she worked in churches, in the area of ​​implementing ministries, secretarial work, customer service, and communication.


Currently, Priscila is the Editorial Director and Strategic Communications Consultant at Lead by The Name, and also works in the Writing area for other publishers in Brazil. She has participated in many publications involving devotionals and translations. Priscila finds great joy and satisfaction in always sharing the best and good news, which brings hope and empowerment through the Word of God, the Bible.


By investing in leadership, Priscila believes that we can reach beyond our generation. The training of new leaders is crucial to keeping the good message current and relevant. By contributing to Lead by The Name, we are building a story that will last forever.

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