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A project manager Discovers Renewed Purpose

A project manager Discovers Renewed Purpose

For many years, Eduardo Mendes, the Executive Managing Director of Lead by the Name, had a close friendship with Daniel*. Over coffee one day, Eduardo was talking to him about Lead by the Name, and Daniel realized he could benefit from the one-on-one mentorship program. He was working as a project manager at a company in the US but wasn’t sure if it was the best use of his talents and gifts. And the lack of balance in his life was leading him to moments of discouragement and frustration.

Using the organic and personalized approach of the mentorship program, the journey began. During weekly meetings at a coffee shop, Eduardo and Daniel started going deeper, asking questions and challenging Daniel’s work-life balance, self-confidence, and self-awareness. After months of spending time together, Daniel started thinking about his personal and professional goals and what type of job would be a good fit for him and his family.

Relationships are an essential part of the Lead by the Name DNA, and they’re the foundation for all of our programs. Now when Eduardo and Daniel meet, he gets to share how God is leading him and his family and what opportunities lie ahead. The mentoring relationship has turned into one where Daniel feels empowered and ready to step boldly into his newfound purpose.

This is what it’s all about at Lead by the Name. Seeing clients empowered to do what God has for them and following His lead.

In Daniel's words:

"The method is both meticulous and organic and helps you untangle the chaotic web of life and sets a course that balances career goals, family life, and, most importantly, your walk with God."

*Name has been changed.

Find out how one-on-one mentorship could impact your life.

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