Forgotten Lessons part 2: Nurturing the Beauty and Purity of the Bride of Christ.
The teachings found in the Bible provide guidance on how to maintain discipline within the church. The main objective of discipline is to honor God and protect the church as a cherished bride (Revelation 21.9-11), reflecting her beauty.
Like a bride eagerly awaits her Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, we believers understand that He redeemed us at a cost. His perfection and unique qualifications enabled Him to fulfill all of God's requirements. It is an honor for us to be part of His bride. We eagerly anticipate that moment. It's our responsibility to take care of her and faithfully represent her wherever we go. This is why the Bible consistently underscores the significance of living in a manner that allows others to witness Christ in us.
To maintain this beauty and purity, we need to practice discipline. Think of it like a gardener tending to their garden – discipline helps remove any weeds that could threaten or compromise the integrity of our church represented by wheat. In essence, discipline serves not as a measure but as a shield that protects the bride from impurities and creates an environment where her pure radiance can truly shine. The commitment to discipline within the church reinforces the importance of upholding the teaching standards. This ensures that the members of the church maintain their purity and integrity.
One irresponsible way of handling discipline is being selective in its application, meaning disciplining some individuals while ignoring others that are living a sinful life. It is essential to be cautious in situations because this kind of behavior can lead people to perceive the church as a social club rather than a representation of Christ's teachings and principles. In cases, it becomes clear that those in leadership positions may not possess the qualities described in Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3. Church leaders should base their decisions not on preferences but on their concern for the well-being of the bride, demonstrating a true commitment to her welfare.
Antonio Mendes
Church and Ministry Leadership Consultant