Leader, who is in charge?
During my six years living in Minnesota, USA, I had the opportunity to attend a leadership conference in Illinois. A snowstorm was expected on the day of my road trip, and I decided to fly because of the icy roads. My flight was from Minneapolis to Springfield through O'Hare Airport in Chicago. We boarded after a little delay, and I had dozed off before the plane even took off. After some time (I had no idea how long it was), I felt the plane land. So, with my eyes very heavy, I heard, "Welcome to Chicago!" This couldn't be right! Right away, the pilot started to explain what had happened. Long story short, the plane had a mechanical problem, and we had to return to O'Hare.
As people started complaining about the decision, the first thing that came to mind was: do these people know so much about airplanes that they can question the pilot's decision?
Sometimes, we leaders act like these people. We love to make decisions and have control of things. We hear that leadership is about making decisions. However, as we make decisions, we also need to maintain perspective on our position and environment. Because of the need for control and the speed of making decisions, we often lose the perspective of the Creator and the world we live in today. We often forget that He is the one who created us and is the only one capable of knowing what is best for us.
My first thought of those people on the plane was that they were so arrogant. It's unbelievable; how can you judge a pilot's decision like that? The pilot knows what is best for us even when we can't understand or accept the reasons. Leaders, let's learn who is in charge by submitting our trust and dependency on the one who holds the highest position and knows each detail of the environment around us. He has what is needed to help you make the right decisions in your leadership. Trust and depend on Him!
Eduardo Mendes
Founder and President