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Living with Purpose: End-of-Year Reflection 2024–2025 Through Psalm 1

Living with Purpose: End-of-Year Reflection 2024–2025 Through Psalm 1

As we reach the end of another year, we are invited to look back and reflect on our choices, decisions, and actions. Psalm 1 teaches us that when emotion and instruction walk hand in hand, we are led to a profound reflection that reveals the path to a purposeful life.

Instruction + Emotion = Reflection

Instruction:Psalm 1 begins with a clear lesson in verses 1 and 2: true happiness does not come from the advice of the wicked, the behavior of sinners, or the company of mockers. Instead, the righteous find delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it continuously. This instruction is not just a warning to avoid wrongdoing but a key to an abundant life, grounded in a relationship with God. When we seek His wisdom and guidance, we discover the path to a life with purpose.

Emotion:In verses 3 and 4, the psalm offers images that deeply touch the heart. The comparison of the righteous to a tree planted by streams of water evokes a sense of stability and vitality. Picture a strong tree with deep roots, constantly nourished by fresh water. It remains steadfast amid surrounding difficulties, bearing fruit in its season. In contrast, the image of the wicked as chaff blown away by the wind conveys fragility, direction lessness, and vulnerability to life’s storms. These images stir our emotions, challenging us to reflect on the instructions in verses 1 and 2 and the kind of life we are building.

Reflection:In verses 5 and 6, after being instructed and moved emotionally, we are prompted to reflect on the consequences of our choices. The way of the righteous is approved by God, while the way of the wicked leads to ruin. This reflection confronts us with a decision: what kind of life do we want to cultivate in the coming year? The psalm challenges us to consider how every choice we make affects our walk with God and reveals a life of purpose.

As we prepare for 2025, may our goals and decisions be rooted in glorifying God and pursuing His purpose for our lives—a purpose that goes beyond fleeting earthly happiness to one that is solid, enduring, and grounded in the Word of God.

Reflecting on Psalm 1, we are challenged not only to evaluate our past choices but also to renew our commitment to God through actions that will shape the year ahead. Godly instruction guides us to seek true happiness in His Word, while the vivid imagery invites us to delve deeper into the purpose of living a life rooted in His presence. When we allow emotion and instruction to walk together, we find the motivation to reflect deeply on our decisions.

As we step into 2025, this is the ideal time to let instruction and emotion guide us in a profound reflection on our choices and purposes. By uniting the wisdom of God’s instruction with the emotions stirred within our hearts, we are propelled to live more intentionally and in alignment with God’s will—a purposeful life.

Eduardo Mendes

Founder and President



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