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Rodrigo Marin
Vice-President, Executive Director Brazil
Rodrigo Marin, PhD student in Math, with a focus on the development and application of mathematical models in the realm of decision-making, has solid experience in internal audit, processes, compliance, and financial and accounting fraud prevention, working for over 15 years in fraud prevention and financial losses in large institutions. Managing Partner of Marin & Marin Consulting and Training, an office focused on accounting, economic, and tax advice. Another critical focus of our office is continuing education and the development of in-company courses. Currently, he is also the coordinator of the Accounting Sciences course at Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, supporting over 1,000 students and a team of professors exceeding 40. Professor is responsible for the disciplines of Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing, and Accounting Expertise. He also serves as the volunteer treasurer of an ONSIP that trains leaders worldwide in countries with difficult access to knowledge.
Education: Accounting Sciences at Mackenzie-SP, in addition to Business Administration, Economics, and a Degree in Mathematics from Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul – SP, master’s in strategic Controllership, approved with honors at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie-SP.
Rodrigo is a nature lover, lives in the countryside, and loves fishing and outdoor life, in addition to never despising a good conversation. Family camping is with himself; he passed this lifestyle on to his family (two daughters and wife), knowing that in the simple things of life, that's where we find the real gems.