Our Statement of
to BE
God has created all things from nothing and knows everything (Ps 90.2; Isa 45.18; Heb 11.3). He is three persons in one nature, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, eternally existing and living in perfect unity (Ps 110.1; Mt 22.41-45). He is powerful, sovereign, holy, just, loving, and merciful (Ps 62.10-11, 147.4-5; Jr 10.12; Dt 32.4; Rv 18.4; Ex 34.6).
God created Adam and Eve in His image and for His glory (Gn 1.26-28; Isa 43.7), but they sinned after being tempted by Satan (Gn 3.1-5). As a result of Adam’s sin, every human sins by both nature and choice (Gn 3.6-24; Rm 3.23,5.12-14; Isa 59.2). This led humanity to lose the perfect relationship with God, and His wrath came to us (Col 1.21; Eph 2.13; Jn 3.36; Rm 1.18, 5.9).
God, the Father, freely chose to send His only Son, Jesus Christ (Jn 1.18, 3.16), who willingly incarnated as a man to fulfill God's mission by restoring the perfect relationship between God and humanity (Jn 1.14, 14.6). During Jesus' life on earth, He served God’s mission by serving(Mt 20.28; Jn 6.38; 1 Jn 2.2); the relationships, healings, and miracles were a way to lead the people to understand that He is God (Jn 4.48, 14.9-11, 21.25). Jesus’ sinless life of obedience, death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven were all needed to pay for our sins and restore our relationship with God (Heb 4.15; Phil 2.6-8; 1 Pe 3.18).
The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin (Zec 12.10; Jn 16.7-11). He is the one that regenerates sinners, baptizing them in union with Jesus Christ and leading them to desire a relationship with God (Tit 3.5; 1 Co 2.10, 12.13). He is the one who introduces us to the family of God. He illuminates, guides, equips, empowers, and confronts the hearts of the believers to be Christ-Centered in everything they do (Eze 36.25-27; Isa 11.2-3; 1 Co 12.8-11; Gal 5.22-23).
God's desire and command are to love Him with all our hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit and be conformed to the image of the Son (Jn 14.21; Mt 22.37-40; Jn 17.22-23,26). We are living out our salvation by obedience to Jesus' commission, making disciples, caring for one another, showing compassion and justice for the oppressed, and living out our faith in every environment (Mt 28.19-20; Heb 3.13-14; Ps 10.18, 82.3, 146.7; Gal 6.10; Eph 2.10).
God, the Father, spoke to us by inspiring men to faithfully register God’s desired message. The spoken message today is divided into the new and Old Testament (2 Pe 1.20-21; Act 1.16; Hb 3.7). In this message, there is no error (Ps 18.30; 2Sm 22.31; Pro 30.5; Mt 5.18). The Bible is the final authority for who God is and what He has done in the story of salvation. Therefore, it is to be taught, trusted, and obeyed (Isa 40.8; Ps 119.7-11; Lk 16.17; Jo 5.24; 1 Th 21.13; 2 Tim 3.16-17).
Jesus Christ advocates for us today (1 Jn 2.1; Rm 8.33-34). One day He will return for those who trusted and believed in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. “Jesus will return in a personal, bodily, and glorious way to judge the world. Those who put their faith in Him will enjoy an eternal and perfect relationship with God in the new heavens and new earth. Those who rejected God will be condemned (Rm 9.23; 2 Th 1.7-8; Mt 25.31-34, 41,46; Jn 12.48).